God Speaks Through Faith Directly To Your Spirit

God Speaks Through Faith

God speaks through many ways; as you already know. However, you may yet not know how it is when He speaks through faith. Listening to God must always be directly through the spirit because that’s where He lives. Therefore those who listen to Him, have a direct communion with the Lord. At times, you may not be; yet he enters the spirit to bring you back to his ways.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

It’s A Seed

Faith is trusting the Lord without a shadow of a doubt upon you. He gave us faith of the size of a mustard seed and it’s up to you to make that seed grow and flourish.

“He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. Luke 17:6

Having faith also implies having power; the power to believe to make it happen.

Trusting God

During my pregnancy, the whole world came against me; doctors, friends, church members and even family. Due to the seizures I’d get coming from Epilepsy, my pregnancy was at a very high risk of disaster. Doctors and specialists would warn me about “birthing someone with special needs”, and even “death upon both of us”. There was so much chaos within the medical department ; which brought fear to our lives.

When it came to those around me who walked within my beliefs, would not only question our health, but believed I would be unable to bear and edify this child. “You won’t be able to raise her due to your constant seizures” ; they’d say. “Why don’t you place her up for adoption?” ; was an option they carried. There was no way I would abort not give my child up for adoption because I knew that God doesn’t give us more than what we can handle. Did I have a hard time later on? Yes I did; but it made me grow into the woman I am today.

lindymonse christ minded God speaks through faith

Staying Strong

In my perspective, only my family can give this testimony; though I lived it, they witnessed it. I would convulse up and down, left and right; but my faith stood firm. I can’t really explain how; I simply trusted God with my life. Yes, I would get sad and opressed; but that didn’t change my trust in knowing that regardless of how many times I’d enter ICU, she would be fine.

I cried out to God for help and strength; for the contamination of doubt not to get me. I cried, worshiped, prayed, fasted, moaned etc. I begin to read the bible more and more, listened to online sermons day by day; which strengthened my faith. There was no way I’d throw the towel.

At the end of the year, a few weeks after being in ICU, a prophet visited the congregation and gave me a word. She confirmed the name we had chosen for my baby and reaffirmed that every organ was in perfect order. This brought peace to my family’s soul.

Read: God speaks through worship

Steps to Proceed

How did I stay strong? By feeding my faith to make it flourish and grow. Otherwise, the issue would had eaten my soul alive. The steps I took were to believe, trust and overcome all obstacles through the power of God’s word.

“I can do anything in Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13 was the verse that helped me get back up while tearing down.

“I take every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5 was the second verse that helped me remove any negative thought that arose. With the help of these two verses, I was able to stay firm within my faith.

In Conclusion

You see, faith in the Lord is everything. You cannot have salvation without trusting God. You cannot walk in the narrow path nor have peace without trusting the Lord. Nor can you overcome obstacles without Him. Don’t get anxious not doubtful in moments as these; therefore trust in Him. If for whatever reason you feel as if the Lord failed you; He didn’t. We shall go through pain in order to grow and mature. Besides, God knows what he’s doing. However, it’s up to you to discover what that is.



  1. As a woman of faith, I agree with you and I am proud of your courage to write this post. Like everybody, I too sometimes get frustrated with life and when things happen, I usually lie low on my faith which I know is wrong but for me, I think that’s my depression mode, and just want to be alone. Faith is a big word and we just need to be reminded of the love and the life Christ Jesus gave up for our sin.

  2. As a woman of faith, I agree with you and I am proud of your courage to write this post. Like everybody, I too sometimes get frustrated with life and when things happen, I usually lie low on my faith which I know is wrong but for me, I think that’s my depression mode, and just want to be alone. Faith is a big word and we just need to be reminded of the love and the life Christ Jesus gave up for our sin.

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