Most church doctrines debate whether Christians should take part in certain businesses, or any business at all. Maybe you’re the kind that’s worrying if starting your own business or getting a job will affect your spiritual life. Do you think there are lessons from business in the bible?

Read on, I’ve got an answer for you.

First of all, God isn’t against us working as His children. In fact he supports hard work. However, a principle you should consider sticking to is that you wouldn’t work in a place that blasphemes God or rejects Him. Your working environment should be inclusive, this means they should accept the fact that you’re a christian and also you wouldn’t mind them employing folks of other beliefs too.

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Also you can be a Christian business owner. It’s not against God’s will. Wisely Marketing is a business guided by biblical principles and owned by a Christian. Besides, there are countless business owners and workers in the Bible ranging from Noah, Abraham, Isaiah, Daniel and his friends, Peter, Lydia, Paul and more. These people ventured into many industries such as agriculture, mathematics, arts, carpentry, construction, law, and politics.Still they lived on to be perfect role models for us in our spiritual journey.

ALSO READ: Balancing Career and Spirituality: A biblical perspective

Settled? Let’s move on.

Entrepreneurship 101: Lessons From Business Men and Women of The Bible

The Bible is unarguably a source of profound guidance for countless individuals around the world. It offers a wealth of principles and insights that can be applied to modern endeavors. Ranging from leadership lessons, emotional intelligence lessons, relationship guides, spiritual guides, psychological guides and help on mental health issues, occupational guides, how to deal with adversity, military lessons, constitutional and political guides.

Even its critics learn from it and in most cases cannot neglect its principles. Hence, in this article, we will briefly explore the lives and principles of prominent business men and women from the Bible and how their experiences can be translated into actionable strategies for today’s entrepreneurs.


Joseph: The Art of Strategic Planning and Leadership

Joseph, son of Jacob (Israel), yeah I know you’re familiar with his story. He was a dreamer, he was loved by his parents, but his grand dreams eventually led to his brother’s hatred for him. Good. But that isn’t all there is to him. Joseph is also known for his remarkable skills, including astute leadership and strategic planning skills which ended up saving the nation he was serving and the whole world.

His story, found in Genesis chapters 37 to 50, showcases the power of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams, his wise counsel to store grain during times of plenty, and his leadership in Egypt during famine offer invaluable lessons for modern business leaders and entrepreneurs.

Key Takeaway: Effective leadership involves strategic planning, adaptability, and the ability to provide solutions in times of crisis. Modern business leaders can learn from Joseph’s example by prioritizing foresight and resilience.

Ruth: The Essence of Commitment and Networking

It’s interesting to know Ruth was not originally an Israelite. She was a Moabite woman. This shows that God does not just love some selected set of people. HE loves us all regardless of race, color or belief!

Back to Ruth, she exhibited unwavering commitment and dedication in her journey as a wife and businesswoman. Her story, found in the Book of Ruth, highlights her loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and her diligent work in the fields of Boaz which eventually led to another successful marriage after she lost her first husband. Ruth’s commitment to her responsibilities and her willingness to embrace new opportunities through networking led to her eventual success. Plus, she became the ancestral mother of our Lord Jesus.(Oh, you just found another fact!)

Key Takeaway: Commitment, dedication, and effective networking are essential in building a successful career, relationship, or business. Ruth’s story demonstrates the importance of forming meaningful connections and embracing opportunities.

King Solomon: The Wisdom of Financial Management

“Well, well, this man lived a lavish life.”

This is what comes to my mind anytime his name pops up.

However, there’s more to King Solomon than being the favorite son of David, or the wisest man to have ever lived. Solomon was also a shrewd manager, a trait that has been apparent in him before God blessed him with that superior dose of wisdom. He was a great financial manager, and his wisdom in handling wealth and resources is documented in the Book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Knowing that people would love to learn from him, Solomon emphasized diligence, prudent planning, and wise investments provides valuable insights for modern entrepreneurs seeking financial success.

Key Takeaway: Sound financial management, including budgeting, investing wisely, and avoiding debt, is crucial for long-term business sustainability. Entrepreneurs can draw from Solomon’s wisdom to make informed financial decisions.

Lydia: The Spirit of Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy

Another shoutout to Lydia! You might be familiar with this amazing woman since I mentioned her in a previous article. She was a prominent businesswoman in the New Testament, known for her entrepreneurial spirit and generosity. Her story, found in Acts 16:11-15, demonstrates her as a successful trader in fabrics and apparels. Lydia’s combination of business acumen, a generous spirit and genuine spirituality exemplifies a balanced approach to success and serves as a great example to modern christians. She’s also a perfect example that you can have a well balanced spiritual life while running a business or working a job.

Key Takeaway: Entrepreneurs can thrive by blending business success with a spirit of generosity. Lydia’s example encourages modern business leaders to consider philanthropy as part of their business ethos.


Nehemiah: The Power of Vision and Project Management

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to the Persian king Artaxerxes. He displayed exceptional project management skills in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. His story, detailed in the Book of Nehemiah, showcases the importance of having a clear vision, running a team, and effectively managing a project to completion despite challenges.

Key Takeaway: Vision, teamwork, and strong project management are key elements in achieving ambitious business goals. Nehemiah’s leadership offers valuable lessons for modern entrepreneurs in project execution.

The Bible is a timeless source of wisdom that transcends eras and industries. By examining the lives and principles of business men and women from the Bible, we can all glean valuable insights applicable to our contemporary ventures. From strategic planning and commitment to financial management and entrepreneurship with a philanthropic spirit, these biblical figures offer a rich tapestry of lessons for us as today’s leaders.

As you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, consider how the wisdom of Joseph, Ruth, King Solomon, Lydia, Nehemiah, and other biblical entrepreneurs can inform and inspire your path to success.

In case you need more coaching based on the opening question, you can reach out to us on Christ Minded Coaching. We’d be happy to work with you!

ALSO READ: timeless wisdom: 5 marketing strategies from the bible

May the lessons of these biblical entrepreneurs guide you in your pursuit of excellence and ethical success in the world of business.

One Comment

  1. This article offers a unique perspective by exploring the lessons from businessmen and women in the Bible. It’s refreshing to see how the principles from ancient texts can still be applied to modern entrepreneurship.The example insights into leadership, commitment, financial management, entrepreneurship, and project management. It’s fascinating how their stories can be interpreted and applied to contemporary business challenges.I particularly appreciate the emphasis on combining business success with a spirit of generosity, as shown by Lydia. This is a reminder that business and philanthropy can coexist to create a positive impact. Thank you for sharing these rare but powerful lessons from businessmen and women of the Bible.

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