side effects of multi-tasking

           As much as our dear multi-tasking may proof effective in managing tasks, too much of it is apparently bad. Well obviously, too much of everything is bad.

          But in this article we are showing you why too much of multi-tasking can be bad for your health.

According to an internet source which recently published a piece on multi-tasking They claim too much of it gives you “…greater problem focusing on important and complicated tasks, memory impairment of new subject matter, difficulty learning new materials, and increased stress.

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          Other internet sources went ahead to point out more amazingly true facts about multi-tasking, which includes;

  • Multi-tasking makes you less productive
  • It kills focus
  • It causes memory problems. You find it hard to remember some little but important details about things
  • It can increase your stress level {again?!}

While all these are one hundred percent true, here is why they happen.

There are many side effects of multi-tasking

Medical researches have shown that our brain can primarily focus on one thing at a time. Or at most two things. It accomplish this by dedicating half of our grey matter to each task. The brain cannot handle more than this. Which means our brain can’t keep track of multiple activities at once or accept multiple streams of information at once.

This increases negative emotions like anxiety and stress. Most times you discover you’re getting impatient and irritable, you make mistakes and miss important cues. All these side effects combined is too overwhelming for our health which may cause escalation to depression and maximally decrease our productivity.

              So in simple terms, multi-tasking may not always be the way out. You could do it once, but don’t depend on it every time, as doing so would only maximize its side effect.

Your best shot is learning how to effectively manage your time to give you best results. Time management is a healthy alternative to multi-tasking, and a better skill that aids maximum productivity.


  1. This is an interesting article particularly because multitasking seems to be so important in today’s business world.  I have always told my employees that they weren’t multitasking, but doing more things with less focus.  Your article is the first time I have seen negative effects of multitasking laid out.  If someone needs to constantly rush from one task to another, either they are expected to do too many tasks or they are not really using the time available to them properly.  As a manager, being aware of what a tasks takes to complete is important so that employees are not overwhelmed.  When I am moving into retirement, I can leave a better culture behind in the work place, but I can also be sure not to get caught up in multitasking myself but in a different way.

  2. This is an interesting article particularly because multitasking seems to be so important in today’s business world.  I have always told my employees that they weren’t multitasking, but doing more things with less focus.  Your article is the first time I have seen negative effects of multitasking laid out.  If someone needs to constantly rush from one task to another, either they are expected to do too many tasks or they are not really using the time available to them properly.  As a manager, being aware of what a tasks takes to complete is important so that employees are not overwhelmed.  When I am moving into retirement, I can leave a better culture behind in the work place, but I can also be sure not to get caught up in multitasking myself but in a different way.

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