4 Most Effective Ways To Deal With Stress At Work


The best way to deal with stress has been addressed times, and most publications suggests developing habits like:

  1. Meditation
    • Breathing Exercises
    • Exercising
    • Environmental Revamp
    • Flexible Working Hours
Self Care

While these may be reasonable suggestions, they have often proven less effective when applied. The obvious reason, of course, is that they do less at reducing stress when one is on the job. In essence, they are all exercises that cannot be done on effective ways to deal with stress at work the g

For instance, for one to successfully meditate, one has to stop every other activities and focus all attention on the current task at hand – meditation.

Breathing exercises may prove more helpful for on – the – job needs. But wouldn’t it be confusing when you’re trying to focus on your breathe and work at the same time?

So everything above have a downside. And we are still left with our burning question. What else can we do to deal with stress?

At the moment, the only way out might be to stop your current job and find another one. But we all know there’s a chance you won’t find a job with lesser hours. Plus, you can’t stay jobless for a long time while expenses are rising and bills are adding up.

This brings us to the honest truth; Finding a stress- free job is quite difficult!

So what can you do to deal with stress even at your current job?

Below are the tested and effective things I’ve tried when I was still at my  7 – 5 job.

Stay organized: Sometimes the cause of stress might be from our own way of settling tasks. Working in no specific order, not finishing a task before moving on to another. A rough and unorganized work space are all silent stress inducers.

Get a to – do list, and arrange your tasks in order of importance. Finish a task before moving to another one. Keeping this in mind will be an effective way to deal with stress at work

This simple habits are effective in reducing stress and at making us more efficient at a faster space. Besides, it’s a great start to managing your time!

Read more on time management and how to organize your to-do list.

Read More: The #1 Most Genius Time Management Strategy And How To Organize Your To-Do List

  • Take a break: The old saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Actually what makes Jack suddenly get dull is lots of stress accumulated from overworking!

Does Jack need to stop working entirely?

Who knows!


But we know quite well that every job has its own problem, it’s often difficult to find a job without stress So quitting a job is not an effective end to stress. Taking a break is.

Our bodies needs efficient rest. Give your mind and body the needed relaxation.

  • Reduce multi-tasking: We all do this. Personally, multi-tasking stems from the feeling of wanting to finish all the possible tasks and have the remaining time to myself.

The end?

I end up overworking and not have the much desired free time.

Not all of us are good at multi-tasking. It may work out for your friend but that’s not a guarantee that it will for you.

SO, instead of multi-tasking, ensure to finish each task within its allocated time frame.

effective ways to deal with stress at work

  • Reduce the urge to be perfect! : We are all familiar with this feeling of “not good enough” and the resulting drive to over work ourselves on a single task until we feel some personal satisfaction.
Perfection comes through failures

Mostly, the perfect result we want does not show forth on time. We frantically go back and start all over. Fuming as we repeat the whole steps.

This is one of the leading causes of work stress!

Here’s a tip for on the job relaxation

Make sure you are working at a relaxed or convenient pose. Don’t be in a specific position for too long. If you stand a lot on your job, you can get a seat. If you sit through the day, try to occasionally stand up and stretch your legs.

Having a relaxed body is as important as having a relaxed mind.

An Extra tip!

Sleep rest

Besides, having enough night rest is an essential corner stone to dealing with work stress.

          Above the ones mentioned above, sufficient sleep is a necessary factor. Consciously work on reducing the habit of taking job tasks home and working on it overnight. When you’re home, allow your mind to freely move to other things aside from work. This can help you at being more present with your family.

One Comment

  1. Although I am moving into retirement, I still need to think about ways to reduce stress in my life. In some ways, the stress I am feeling as I retire is more difficult to deal with because I bring it on myself.  When working, my days were structured by tasks and expectations.  I tend to fill my days far too full now.  I think that the article’s advice to be organized is important for me.  I have difficulty imposing structure on some things that should be routine.  Also, taking a break can make a big difference. I sometimes have the feeling that I have to say yes to everything and get everything done.  The advice to take a break is something I should not ignore.  Thanks for the advice.

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