One of the most captivating niche out there is the topic of relationships. There’s so many type of relationships out there. Relationship with God, colleagues, friends, classmates, teachers, family, couples and more. Unfortunately, society no longer has the commitment to keep those relationships.

An Engaged Relationship

A true relationship; regardless of the type it may be, should always be nurtured in order to adequately flourish. There are also different type of loves which are applied according to the type of relationships out there like: Agape, Phileo, Storge, and Eros.

However, the number one type of love is the one where you’re completely unselfish; which is the Agape love. This sort of love is the one God has towards us and we shall return it as well. It’s placing him as our number one priority as we walk his narrow path to receive all blessings by removing all self desires and selfishness. Try to create a relationship with God.

Initiating the Relationship

How do you initiate this type of relationship with God? Initiating a relationship with him requires dispositioning your heart to get to know him. If you have a crush, wouldn’t it be the same step? Yes it would. After that’s been achieved , one needs to ask, seek and knock at his door through prayer and faith. God only blesses us through prayer, grace, love and mercy. One of the main keys ia to pray without ceasing; which means to pray continuously.

Read: Pray without ceasing

Through the disposition of your heart and the tools you can us such as: prayer, attending church, worship etc. You will begin to remove the blindfold of disbelief which will lead you towards the mutual encounter he’s been antici[ating. Yes, anticipating because he waits daily on us and what do we give him in return with disbelief: Absolutely nothing.

A Mutual Relationship

Once you’ve received this mutual encounter, it is up to you to nurture it through the same steps you initiated it. Dispositioning your heart, attending church to nurture your faith, praying and most of all, changing your mindset into a christ minded one. This will take time but it will lead you to walk within his path and not your own.

This will lead you to receive the blessings the enemy stole from you since birth. This will open so many doors; way more than you can imagine. However, do this act without selfishness. Yes you may fail, but its up to you to get back on track. This is like a puzzle. You might get lost but you have to find your way back to where you should be; otherwise, you won’t succeed. Regardless of where you stand, as long as you disposition your heart, God will have your back.

misunderstanding of church

In my 20’s

Within my 20’s, I strayed away God’s path through my terrible attitude and disobedience. However, I always dispositioned my heart. Depression, oppressions and anxiety took over my life; so I strayed from his ways. This is why the fruit of self control is so important. It won’t allow this to happen when you control your emotions and don’t allow the enemy to mess with you.

I thought I wasn’t giving God my best because of where I was in life but little did I know that he saw my heart and knew my desire to get closer and closer to him; due to this, he had grace and mercy over me. Once I found my self confidence and complete identity in Him, was when my senses opened to this true fact; otherwise, I’d probably think I was still failing him.

Also read: God Speaks Through Faith

What I Gave Up

I had to change my daily habits like how I spoke by not cursing. Though my parents educated me with great values, morals and principles, that didn’t stop me from learning them elsewhere. I had to stop the disrespect I had towards my mother. It’s kinda odd because everything a “teenager” supposedly does, I didn’t do it till I hit 20. This is also why it’s important to choose your friends wisely because that’s the environment you’ll be by; which impacts how you speak and behave. I was never the clubbing, smoking or drinking type.

However, during a short month period of time, I did hang out with one of those crowds. Though God protected me, getting out of it was a choice I had to make. Generally speaking, had to leave many people and start fresh. I stopped listening to secular music that wouldn’t edify my soul. Narrowed it down as well as what I watched. Not to mention, I had to increase my faith.

Read: Pray and receive

Scripture Example

Your Relationship With God

In conclusion, God’s love conquers all but we are so spiritually blinded and filled with ignorance by what’s in this world that we don’t see it. The moment you change your mindset, it’ll be clear to you. However, it won’t happen overnight. It’s a process that takes daily effort and sacrifice to not get contaminated by what surround you. According to how your relationship with God gooes, that’s how your life will flow. So always aim to place him as your number one priority: before your family and work.




  1. Thank you for your nice topic . It is very heart warming talking about faith and believe . I enjoyed It. That is very true what you said about choosing friends around you while growing I think it is crucial to specially teenagers ,as they go through all different phases of their life.

  2. Linda, I liked your article very much and I agree. Relationships require effort. Through that effort, we can achieve all the fruits and benefits of being together.

    You used a phrase I haven’t heard in reference to relationships, “dispositioning your heart”. Would you tell me more about the origin and what it means to you in this context?

    Thought provoking content – good stuff here.

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